AJP Player file types

Our registry shows that AJP Player can open the files listed below. AJP Player may also convert the listed formats. The app's manual can tell you about it.

System requirements

The manual has the exact system requirements for the AJP Player application. You can find the manual in electronic format on AJP Player’s website as well. We cannot provide support for this product, so in case of a problem, turn to the developer of software.


Like all software, it is crucial to download apps only from trusted sources. Installing software from unreliable or unverified sources can expose users to security risks. It can also expose them to malware or privacy breaches. Get AJP Player from the official website or trusted repositories. This way, users can cut the risk. They can avoid finding dangerous content or losing their private information.

AJP Player website

To get official information, and support for AJP Player, visit the website. The developers maintain it. The website is a valuable resource for users. They can learn about the latest features, troubleshooting guides, and community forums. It's the top place for users. They come for help or updates on the AJP Player application.

AJP Player's website is currently unknown.

If you know the address of AJP Player’s website, then send it to our email.

File associations

Currently, our database has 1 file extension(s) associated with the AJP Player application.

Software updates are important to your digital safety and cyber security. Unfortunately, installing antivirus software isn't enough to protect you and your devices. >> AJP Player file types